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Results for "practice: Kindness"
Random Acts of Kindness Daphne Rose Kingma on the importance of the spiritual practice of kindness.
365 Ways to Change the World Michael Norton on generosity making a difference in the world.
Living a Charmed Life Victoria Moran on restoring the lost art of chivalry to change the world one kind act at a time.
Buddhism for Busy People David Michie on practicing kindness on a small scale.
Two Treasures Thich Nhat Hanh on practicing generosity in a Buddhist context.
Being Generous Theodore Roosevelt Malloch saluting generosity as a universal moral urge and our defining nature.
Beyond Blue Therese Borchard on how a small act of kindness warms her heart when she is suffering from depression.
The Buddha's Wish for the World Monshu Koshin Ohtani on seven gifts that require no possessions.
The Five Love Languages Gary Chapman's exercise for spousal kindness.
The Wisdom of Maimonides Edward Hoffman's story about the kindness of Maimonides.