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Results for "blessing "
Ordinary Blessings A poem reflecting upon the nation as a great experiment.
Garden Blessings A poem about the joys gardeners experience.
Blessings of the Cosmos Neil Douglas-Klotz presents blessings uttered by Jesus in his native language of Aramaic, with this one about the divine calling we all have as sons and daughters of God.
Animal Blessings An enjoyable selection of writings about pets.
Everyday Blessings Ideas and practices designed to nurture, guide and protect children until they are ready to go their own way.
Original Blessing An exuberant celebration of beauty as a blessing.
Everyday Blessings Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn on using poems as reminders of our connections with the universe.
Original Blessing Unspools an adventuresome new paradigm for Christianity.
The Path of Blessing Anyone who chooses this practice will find their life enriched.