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Results for "tradition: "Judaism", latest_content: 1"
Birthday of Anne Frank Remembering Anne Frank, whose voice echoes through the corridors of time lest we forget the nightmare of the Holocaust and the heroism of those who sheltered Jews.
Pesach (Passover) Suggestions for observing this Jewish Holiday.
Purim A celebration with cookies, a biblical story, noisemakers, and a chance to laugh at our enemies and ourselves.
World Water Day A day for prayer, study, and activism around the world water crisis.
Passage Meditation A concentrative meditation on an inspirational passage.
Hitbonenut A description of the practice known as hitbonenut, immersing oneself in a consciousness of God’s presence or existence in the universe.
YHVH Before Me A meditation on Psalms 16:8.
WhoWhatWhere are you? Discovering YHWH as Is, Was, and Will Be.
Daily Good A daily practice for enthusiasm, resilience, and optimism.
Finding Your Proper Place A mantra and reflection on humility.