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Results for "tradition: "Multifaith", latest_content: 1"
Enough Mantras for giving yourself the rest you need.
Dope Friendships Mantras for giving your time and energy to relationships and causes that authentically nourish you.
E-Workshop: Children's Spirituality An e-workshop on how adults can help children grow spiritually and what they can learn from their children's spirituality.
Psalms of Wonder Select psalms that help children bring their troubles, joys, fears, and hopes to God.
Lent with the Mystics On Demand: An exploration of the great themes of Lent through the lens primarily (but not exclusively) of the Christian mystics.
The Best Spiritual Books of 2023 Our roundup of the best books of the year.
Thomas Merton in California Previously unpublished interspiritual writings from the famous Catholic monk.
Birthday of Bede Griffiths Affirming the interspiritual vision of the Benedictine monk with a reading, a screening, and a mantra.
A Wild Path Essays that nurture wilderness in the soul.
Birthday of Thomas Berry (PDP) A celebration of the Passionist priest, leading cultural historian, religious scholar, and self-identified “geologian.”