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Results for "tradition: "Multifaith", latest_content: 1"
Birthday of Bede Griffiths Affirming the interspiritual vision of the Benedictine monk with a reading, a screening, and a mantra.
Birthday of Thomas Berry (PDP) A celebration of the Passionist priest, leading cultural historian, religious scholar, and self-identified “geologian.”
All Saints Day Quotes, recommended resources, and a teaching story for your observance.
God's Wonder Mantras for leaning into wonder.
Birthday of Desmond Tutu (PDP) Honoring the Anglican Archbishop and South African social rights activist who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.
Birthday of Jelaluddin Rumi Ways to celebrate the birthday of the great Persian mystic poet Rumi.
International Day of Peace Established by the United Nations General Assembly, this day is supported by a worldwide movement to create a global ceasefire and a day of peace and nonviolence.
Birthday of Satish Kumar Honoring an Earth pilgrim who keeps the torch of humanity burning in our times.
Pure Awareness A meditation to help you identify with your Higher Self rather than your mind and senses.
Retiring Our Doer Contemplative questions for just being instead of doing.