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Results for "author_first: Jelaluddin, author_last: Rumi"
A Year with Rumi A perfect way to stop the world everyday by spending time with the ecstatic spiritual poetry of Rumi.
The Essential Rumi Rumi and his gratitude for extravagant beauty.
The Glance A story about Rumi, Shams, and letting go.
A Year with Rumi Coleman Barks on why we all feel connected to the poet Rumi.
Birdsong An description of the reverence for birds in many cultures.
The Essential Rumi Advice on keeping joy moving through you.
The Essential Rumi An excerpt on Rumi blessing children and old women in a village.
The Essential Rumi An excerpt on Rumi and the moving meditation done by Mevlevi dervishes.
The Glance A collection of poems that reveal how a spiritual friendship can move us closer to God.
Signs of the Unseen Lectures and conversations by the Sufi seer.