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Results for "author_first: Kabir"
Love Is a Stranger Jelaluddin Rumi's poem on questing through the darkness.
The Beliefnet Guide to Islam Hesham A. Hassaballa and Kabir Helminski on the devotional practice of praying five times a day.
Love's Ripening New translations of poems by Rumi about love and the opening and softening of the heart.
Rumi Daylight 365 selections from the first two books of Rumi's Mathnawi translated by Kabir and Camille Helminski.
Love's Ripening Kabir Helminski's translation of Rumi's poem Open the Window.
Rumi Daylight A primer to the origins of the Mathnawi.
Jewels of Remembrance A rich and highly devotional daybook that tutors us in the Sufi path.
The Rumi Collection A treasure trove of spiritual gems that will delight avid Rumi fans and extend his audience even more among the uninitiated.