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Results for "author_first: Mary, author_last: Gordon"
The luxury of our extravagant affections The luxury of our extravagant affections
Iceberg (L'iceberg) A Belgian slapstick comedy about leaving home and finding the perfect iceberg to chill out on.
The Funhouse Mirror Experiences of a writer who taught in a prison.
Seeing Through Places Mary Gordon on feeling gratitude for a temporary gift.
Good Boys and Dead Girls and Other Essays Pieces about her Catholic upbringing and her observations about literature.
Waking the Dead Stirs the heart and stretches the soul with its unique blend of love and politics.
Seeing Through Places These essays probe the varied meanings of place.
Mother Night Helps us see that there is no escaping the burdens of living in a political world.
A Midnight Clear Delves into the strain of war on the human spirit and our dependency on community in the face of senseless death.
Arthur Touches both the heart and the funny bone.