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Results for "author_first: Phil, author_last: Cousineau"
Word Catcher 250 probes of fascinating, mysterious, and enthralling words.
Stoking the Creative Fires A soulful examination of all the depths and riches of the process of creativity.
A Seat at the Table A useful overview of the challenges faced by those practicing Native American spirituality.
The Way Things Are Philosophical insights, cross-cultural epiphanies, religious truths, memorable stories, and a wonderful batch of juicy quotations about the human adventure.
The Hero's Journey A festive tribute to the this seminal spiritual teacher.
The Way Things Are Phil Cousineau on Huston Smith's penchant for trying different spiritual practices while remaining grounded in his Christian faith.
Stoking the Creative Fires Phil Cousineau on the imortance and value of good stories.
The Soul Aflame Phil Cousineau on ordinary people's devotion to the Book of Hours.
Soul Phil Cousineau on describing soul traits and finding meaning.
Once and Future Myths Phil Cousineau on enjoying life and meaning by slowing down.