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Results for "author_first: Richard, author_last: Rohr"
Immortal Diamond A rousing and robust celebration of the soul, the True Self, and the liberating deeds of divinization.
Preparing for Christmas Richard Rohr on why time is exactly what we don't have.
Preparing for Christmas Daily Advent meditations examining the meaning of God's Big Picture.
A Lever and a Place to Stand Richard Rohr on how contemplation can make moments where all can be a prayer.
Breathing Under Water Richard Rohr on why only those who have suffered can save others in the same boat.
Falling Upward Richard Rohr on failure and suffering as the great equalizers.
On the Threshold of Transformation Richard Rohr on the shadows infused into cultures.
The Naked Now Richard Rohr's list of the qualities of a joyful mind.
A Lever and a Place to Stand A delineation of the challenges and adventures facing Christians in the twenty-first century.
Breathing Under Water An exploration of the connections and parallels between Christian principles and the 12 Step Program.