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Results for "content_type: "Justice/Activism Practice""
Recognizing Peace in Others The prevalence of peacebuilding in various faith traditions.
Reframing Gelt A way to practice the mitzvah of learned giving.
Begin Somewhere Questions to help you follow your heart's guidance in how and what you give.
Share What You Love A call to share your gifts.
Open Sentences How to honor our pain with each other.
The Present of Presence Suggestions for giving the present of presence.
Things We Can Do To Help Planetary Evolution 15 suggestions for social change.
Celebrate Hospitality A spiritual exercise to help you explore the moods and meanings of winter.
Ending Racism Clyde W. Ford on how to create a personal vision of what ending racism means to you.
Civilizing Your World Instructions for bringing civility to your lifestyle, community, and the world.