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Results for "practice: Compassion"
Toward a True Kinship of Faiths His Holiness the Dalai Lama on compassion as the convergence point of commonality in all religions and the foundation of all true happiness.
The Power of Compassion Bhikshuni Heng Ming and Upasika Kuo Tsai Round's edit of a Buddhist teaching story about having compassion for small sea creatures (in a book by Pamela Brown).
(title not found) Lyrics to the song "All Shall Be Well."
The Compassion Box A wonderful teaching package on opening and softening the heart.
The Way to Buddhahood Explicates his vision of the Dharma.
Compassion for Humanity in the Jewish Tradition Judaism presented as a model of spirituality and moral refinement.
The Bond Between Women Demonstrates how the Sacred Feminine in our time is animated by selfless service and compassionate deeds of love.
Buddhism Without Beliefs Proclaims emptiness as the womb of awakening and agnosticism as a therapeutic way of acknowledging the limits of human reason and thought.
Simply Sane Discusses the soulful value of self, trust, compassion, prayer, and gentleness.
Opening the Heart of Compassion Focuses on ways to transform suffering through Buddhist psychology and practice.