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Results for "practice: Connections"
Beijing Bicycle A fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men.
Frequency A sci-fi thriller about a son who mysteriously reconnects with his father during a shower of light from the aurora borealis.
Running Free The struggle for survival in an African copper mining town, told from the perspective of a horse.
Beau Travail An imaginative drama about the dire effects of envy, that vicious emotion that spreads pain and agony eveywhere it reaches.
Mrs. Dalloway This sensitive film conveys the message of Woolf's novel-despite social and psychological differences, we are all connected.
Career Girls A convincing drama about two friends who try to keep their relationship together despite all the obstacles.
Excess Baggage Explores the subject of meaningful coincidences.
Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home Fine family entertainment laced with ecological ideas.
First Cow A gentle portrait of budding friendship in an alienating landscape.
Catfish A smart and savvy documentary about online relationships and the loneliness and yearning that draws people together in cyberspace.