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Results for "practice: Devotion"
Invoking the Divine A call to make invoking the Divine a part of your daily life.
Doorway Encouragement to give God a name that rings true for you, and to use it as a gateway to experience the infinite.
Praying in Different Positions A cure for boredom in your spiritual practice.
Before You Pray A way to remove unwanted thoughts.
Repeat a Holy Sentence When demanding religious practices are impossible.
Say One Word When you cannot converse with God.
Serving God Tomorrow Making resolutions for the next day
Reminder Before Sleep Stating your intention for sleep.
Lighting a Candle as a Prayer Noticing the steadiness and strength a lit candle provides.
Altars The definitive handbook on setting up a sacred place in your home, garden, or office as an oasis of silence, centering, and creativity.