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Results for "practice: Imagination"
The Art of Being Wise Literary Wisdom What is the meaning of life? The great revelation . . . never did come. Instead there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark. — Virg…
Mountains and Meadows and Some Kind of Wonder by Allie McIntosh for KidSpirit's Creativity & Imagination issue. As I write this, I’m looking out over a wide, vibrant meadow. There’s a huge mountain staring back at me, snow-capped even…
Jazz and the Spirit of Democracy We believe that democracy as a way of life can be strengthened and deepened through spiritual practices — both those traditionally considered to be "inner work" and those that require active en…
Importing Emotion Words from Other Cultures The Danish people are known to be among the happiest in the world. In The Book of Hygge, Louisa Thomson Brits defines it as "a quality of presence and an experience of belonging and togetherness. It…
Growing Spiritually Comic Wisdom When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me. — Erma Bombeck, Americ…
In Praise of Failures and Mediocrities It's possible to stumble upon as essay on the Internet that shakes you to the core. That's what happened when I came across "In Praise of Bad Art (And Bad Saints)" on the Faith and Theology website …
Free to Choose The freedom to choose one option over another is the source of democracy and consumerism. We like to tell ourselves that we can determine our destiny by the choices we make. But as Sophia Rosenfeld …
A Prayer for New Audiences for Visual and Performing Arts Dear Evolving God, we are so grateful that you love creativity and are still making masterpieces: the universe is a work in progress. Help us to see and appreciate the diversity, beauty, and transfo…
A Conquest of the Skies By Ameena Naqvi for KidSpirit's The Adventurous Spirit issue. What are we searching for when we explore the unknown? Humanity's interest in the unknown is universal and enduring. Humans…
"V" is for Vision The Adventurer of the Universe starts with the dream and reaps tragic Beauty. — Alfred North Whitehead I have a friend named David who can see things others can't. He has visions. I don…