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Results for "practice: Kindness"
99 Ways to Raise Spiritually Healthy Children Kathleen Long Bostrom on the lost art of good manners.
Living a Charmed Life Victoria Moran on restoring the lost art of chivalry to change the world one kind act at a time.
Buddhism for Busy People David Michie on practicing kindness on a small scale.
Two Treasures Thich Nhat Hanh on practicing generosity in a Buddhist context.
Being Generous Theodore Roosevelt Malloch saluting generosity as a universal moral urge and our defining nature.
Beyond Blue Therese Borchard on how a small act of kindness warms her heart when she is suffering from depression.
The Buddha's Wish for the World Monshu Koshin Ohtani on seven gifts that require no possessions.
Authors & Readings on Kindness A guide of the original sources from this episode.
The Five Love Languages Gary Chapman's exercise for spousal kindness.
The Wisdom of Maimonides Edward Hoffman's story about the kindness of Maimonides.