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Results for "Joy"
Jean-Siméon Chardin's A Lady Taking Tea A simple scene depicting how a modest and lovely moment can refresh us.
Henri Matisse An edifying look at the life and artistic works of Henri Matisse.
If You Find the Buddha A playful meditative book presenting the Buddha in various forms.
One People Devotional music and ballads from the popular Jewish singer/songwriter.
Reach Up A melodic, soul-stirring, and high-energy CD that is designed to be used as a soundtrack for your spiritual journey.
Wabi Sabi An elegantly rendered appreciation of this Zen practice of beauty and simplicity.
Fingerpainting on the Moon An innovative resource for anyone who yearns for some fresh sources of inspiration and encouragement.
The Best of the Sufi Choir An appealing mix of traditional choir music, Islamic chants. and other very melodic vocals.
Blessed by Light A beautiful celebration of the inward exploration and the outward expression of Divine Light.
Fabric of Faith A salutary overview of the spiritual benefits of a prayer quilt ministry.