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Results for "author_first: Jamal, author_last: Rahman"
Walking Softly on the Earth A recommendation for walking in nature with sacred mindfulness.
Opening our Heart to Others A call to pay attention to others' feelings while keeping in mind the sacred presence within them.
Embodying the Good Samaritan Meditation on the story of the Good Samaritan and a call to do likewise.
Deepening Spirituality A suggestion for increasing your experience of Presence.
Nighttime Gratitude Ritual A call to notice what you are thankful for on a daily basis.
Countering the Ego Through Gratitude and Forgiveness A suggestion for habitually praising God and seeking forgiveness.
A Prayer for Releasing Resentments An expression of repentance and intention to think, speak, and act from Source.
Nighttime Forgiveness Practice Suggestions for forgiving yourself and others every night.
Overcoming Fear Suggestions for a process to release fear, those you have feared, and those who may fear you.
Cultivating Compassion through Sacred Naming Suggestions for transforming negative self-talk with a term of endearment.