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Results for "author_first: Roger, author_last: Housden"
Ten Poems to Open Your Heart Wislawa Szymborska's poem "Love at First Sight."
Sacred America Roger Housden on the moral authority of the universe inhabiting collective initiatives.
Ten Poems to Set You Free Mines the meanings in poems by Mary Oliver, Rumi, Thomas Merton, Jane Hirshfield, and others, keeping our eyes on the prize of coming into our own true selves.
Risking Everything Anna Swir's mystical poem "The Same Inside" about the spiritual practice of connections.
Risking Everything William Stafford's poem "Ask Me."
For Lovers of God Everywhere A poem by John O'Donohue about gratitude.
Sacred Journeys in a Modern World Tutors us in the ways to open heart, mind, body, and soul to the mysteries, enchantments, and rigors of pilgrimage.
Sacred America An in-depth examination of the spiritual renaissance in contemporary America.
Dancing With Joy A jubilant collection of 99 poems about joy.
Risking Everything Exalted and exulting selections by mystical poets.