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Results for "keyword: "men""
Nothing in Common Portrays a self-absorbed young man's growth into maturity as he draws closer to his elderly father.
Lawless Heart Robust and rounded treatment of the emotional education of three men who are not used to dealing with their deepest yearnings and their ambivalent feelings about love.
Monster's Ball A strangely entrancing drama about the redemptive power of love in the life of a Southern racist corrections officer who is imprisoned in anger and hatred.
Animal Factory A sober drama set in a maximum-security prison where a middle-aged King of the Yard mentors an inexperienced middle-class young man.
Around the Bend A heart-affecting story about four generations of a dysfunctional family who go on a journey of transformation together.
The Snapper An unforgettable portrait of a loving dad who is also his daughter's knight in shining armor.
The Man Without a Face A glimpse of grace as two individuals restore each other's souls with gifts of trust and love.
Patti Rocks Carried by a fine performance by Karen Landry as an independent woman.
The Escape Artist A riveting film about sons tryiong to prove themselves to their fathers.
Go Tell the Spartans A solid and memorable film about American military involvement in Vietnam.