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Results for "practice: Joy"
One Hundred Days of Solitude Jane Dobisz on the joy elicited by paying attention.
Choose Peace and Happiness Susyn Reeve's exercises on the topic of joy expressed through smiling.
The Heart of Henri Nouwen Henri Nouwen's understandings of heart and the practice of joy.
Divinity in Disguise Kevin Anderson's examples of the art of everyday spirituality and the spiritual practice of joy.
Tagore Mystical poetry on joy by Rabindranath Tagore.
The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa: Volume Two Chogyam Trungpa on the slogan Always maintain a joyful mind in a book edited by Carol Rose Gimian.
The Great Escape Manual Edward Hays on joy being the trademark of a contemporary saint.
How Can It Be All Right When Everything Is All Wrong? Lewis B. Smedes on three dimensions of grace from the perspective of joy.
Sheer Joy Matthew Fox's imagined conversation about joy with Thomas Aquinas.
Becoming the Compassion Buddha Lama Yeshe's teaching story on joy.