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Results for "author_first: "Richard J.", author_last: "Foster", latest_content: 1"
Richard J. Foster A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Richard Foster, a Quaker writer and spiritual teacher who is a pioneer in Christian spirituality and a founder of Renovare …
Richard J. Foster in Prayers from the Heart An experiment in how to be a portable sanctuary
Prayer for the Rulers of the Nations An entreaty for wise and virtuous leadership.
Freedom of Simplicity Richard Foster on simplicity as that which enables us to live lives of integrity in the face of the terrible realities of our global village.
Longing for God Richard J. Foster and Gayle D. Beebe on leading an active life and practicing contemplation in spiritual formation.
Freedom of Simplicity A rounded and rousing overview of Christian simplicity.
Celebration of Discipline How the classical Disciplines of the spiritual life beckon us to the Himalayas of the Spirit.
Celebration of Discipline A Christian classic which presents 13 spiritual practices that lead to transformation.
Longing for God A resource for spiritual formation from witnesses of the Christian past who provide shining models of holiness.
Streams of Living Water Richard J. Foster on the growth of grace.