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Results for "author_first: Gail, author_last: Straub"
Arriving at Effortless Generosity Wisdom about embodying the four qualities of mature compassion.
Divine Partnership Counsel on caring for yourself and others in partnership with sacred presence.
The Heart in Full Blossom Suggestions for opening to inner spaciousness and compassion in the face of difficult situations.
Exposing Your Mask Guidance for uncovering and honoring your true self.
Cultivating Presence and Radical Simplicity Advice on how to stay centered, caring, and present.
Finding the Personal Link Suggestions for fostering the connection between your personal story and the earth's story.
Eco-Compassion A short meditation on caring for the earth.
Discipline for Self-Renewal A short meditation on self-discipline and self-renewal.
Soul Story A short meditation on the value of our story.
A Still Lake A short meditation on acceptance and stillness.