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Results for "author_first: Margaret J., author_last: Wheatley"
Most of us would welcome things quieting down Most of us would welcome things quieting down
Truly connecting with another human being Truly connecting with another human being
Listening moves us closer Listening moves us closer
Healing is possible because we share being human Healing is possible because we share being human
We gain more than hope We gain more than hope
Be Open to Others Starting a conversation that matters.
Perseverance Margaret J. Wheatley on how the journey of perseverance begins with fire, the passion of our cause.
Perseverance Explores the spiritual value and many meanings of perseverance.
Turning to One Another Margaret J. Wheatley on the importance and value of the spiritual practice of listening in bringing about change in the post-modern world.
Turning to One Another Salutes the humanizing elements of dialogues as a key to bringing about change in the post-modern world.