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Results for "author_first: Matthew, author_last: Gilbert"
In transforming our jobs from drudgery to sacred ground In transforming our jobs from drudgery to sacred ground
Through good works Through good works
When we rely on work as our practice When we rely on work as our practice
Can't see the extraordinary save in the exceptional Can't see the extraordinary save in the exceptional
I would be content I would be content
A selfless devotion to manifesting the spirit of God A selfless devotion to manifesting the spirit of God
Caring about our work Caring about our work
The Workplace Revolution Matthew Gilbert on bringing meaning to the workplace by restoring meaning for our selves.
The Workplace Revolution Experiments and movements to bring more meaning to the business world and marketplace.
Take This Job and Love It An exceptionally fine book on work as an opportunity for sacred meaning, enlightenment, and service of others.