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Results for "keyword: %22exercise%22"
Sitting Too Much Is the New Smoking We have read that sitting is the new smoking and when we sit all day hunched over our computers, we are doing irreparable damage to our precious bodies. In this article by Caroline Dowd-Higgins, she…
Shut Up, Legs By Oscar Luckett for KidSpirit’s Heritage issue. Maybe it was because I was only seven years old, but my patience level was near zero. When my dad finally came around the bend of that Montauk r…
My Neck as a Pleasure Palace The neck is a busy body part. In the front it contains vessels for speech, eating, blood, and breath. In the back it houses the spinal cord which beams brain signals to the heart and the rest of the…
My Biological Clock and Life as a Lark One of the many marvels of being human is the large role played by our biological clocks which regulate such activities as blood pressure, metabolic rate, digestion, heart rate, and urinary output. …
Opening to New Experiences Catholic Wisdom If death teaches us anything, it teaches us that everything will someday end. The lesson is to wear suffering well, hold beauty lightly, and fear nothing. -- Joan Chittister In…