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Results for "keyword: %22optimism%22"
The Green Devotional Karen Speerstra's selection of thought-provoking quotations on the spiritual practice of hope.
The Practice of Lojong Traleg Kyabgon on shifting our focus from negative to positive thinking.
Finding Water Julia Cameron on cultivating faith to sustain one's creativity.
365 Energy Boosters Susannah Seton and Sondra Kornblatt on understanding your energy habits.
Positivity Barbara L. Fredrickson on why positivity opens us.
What Do Jews Believe? Edward Kessler's parable on the paradoxical nature of optimism, or hope.
Call Me by My True Names Thich Nhat Hanh's poem about good news.
The Altruistic Brain Donald Pfaff on the importance of recognizing the brain's moral proclivities.
The Endless Practice Mark Nepo on saying yes to life.
Why Is God Laughing? A parable about a comedian and his spiritual journey that serves to illustrate the path to joy and optimism.