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Results for "keyword: %22past%22"
My Bright Abyss Christian Wiman on there being no way to return to the faith of your childhood.
Sacred Laughter of the Sufis A teaching story by Imam Jamal Rahman about being a child of the present moment.
The Buddha Speaks Bhaddekaratta Sutra on living in the moment calmly and freely.
Our Appointment with Life Thich Nhat Hanh on why the past and the future are not our enemies.
Love's Alchemy Baba Afdal Kashani's poem on the practice of being present.
Dusk Night Dawn An honest look at our dual citizenship as humans: perfect and neurotic.
The Way of Forgiveness Joyce Rupp on sour memories catalyzing the practice of forgiveness.
The Spiritual Practice of Remembering An elegantly written call to pay tribute to the past, tradition, the communion of saints, and ancestors.
A Primer for Forgetting An erudite survey of time and meaning.
The Spiritual Practice of Remembering Margaret Bendroth of the importance of our connections with our ancestors.