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Results for "main_practice: "Shadow", latest_content: 1"
The Quaking of America The Five Trauma responses.
The Quaking of America Individual and collective symptoms of racism.
The Quaking of America Why healing from white-body supremacy is essential to democracy. 
The Quaking of America Insights and practices for accessing our best selves in the worst times.
My Grandmother’s Hands An explanation of the difference between clean pain and dirty pain.
My Grandmother’s Hands Insights and body practices by a renowned somatic practitioner.
Cradled in the Arms of Compassion Practices discovered by a professor of spiritual formation that helped him heal from childhood sexual abuse.
The Honey Jar A story of the love and an heirloom that sustain a refugee family through nearly unbearable losses.
The Monster Parade Practices for recognizing and working with difficult emotions.
Wholehearted Faith Ways in which we are our own worst enemies.