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Results for "Arthur Green"
Your Word Is Fire Arthur Green and Barry W. Holtz on the Hasidic devotional practice of guarding your tongue especially in the morning.
Judaism's 10 Best Ideas Elegant short meditations on the core ideas of Judaism.
The Heart of the Matter Essays by a seasoned Jewish scholar on Hasidic contributions to spirituality.
Seek My Face An illuminating and innovative overview of the importance of the image of God for the rediscovery of God's presence in all of life.
Speaking Torah Hasidic teachings on the Torah - Numbers, Deuteronomy, the Holiday Cycle.
The Jewish Lights Spirituality Handbook Probes the heights and depths of Jewish spirituality.
Deathbed Wisdom of the Hasidic Masters Forty-two end-of-life stories about Hasidic seers.
Ehyeh A substantive and insightful overview of thought and practice within the profound spiritual path of Jewish mysticism.
Radical Judaism An enlightening mystical overview of radical Judaism and its interpretation of God, Torah, Israel, and God's image in all.
Stalking Elijah Recounts a six-year quest to learn more about meditation, mysticism, and the Jewish renewal movement.