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Results for "tradition: "Christianity - Anglican", latest_content: 1"
Feast Day of St. Lucia Honoring the light of generosity in the life of Lucia of Syracuse.
Birthday of Desmond Tutu (PDP) Honoring the Anglican Archbishop and South African social rights activist who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.
Birthday of Dame Cicely Saunders Observing the birthday of the founder of the hospice movement.
The Welcoming Practice A three-step process of turning from the false self’s reactivity to emotional or physical pain to God’s sustaining and transformative presence.
Super Bowl Sunday A spiritual way to look at the annual football extravaganza.
Deep Happiness Encouragement to find joy in performing acts of kindness regularly.
Compassion and Unlimited Love Advice on receiving and giving more love.
Giving Suggestions for finding the hidden gifts of giving in your own life.
Giving to Those Who Need the Most A visualization for giving generously.
The Healing Vision of Hope Counsel on how to stretch instead of break in tough times.