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Results for "tradition: "Christianity - Anglican""
Grateful A celebration of the spiritual practice of gratitude as a heart opener, a soulful adventure, and a meaning maker in political circles.
Liturgy of the Ordinary A winsome tribute to the everyday spirituality of chores, maintenance, small moments, and unheralded acts of kindness.
Grace's Window A wonder-filled collection of meditations on the art of taking one's days and experiences to God.
The Path of Prayer Explores devotion as a mansion with many different and splendid rooms.
Sabbath Time A succinct and invigorating overview of this dimension of Christian practice.
The Almost Daily eMOs Brings together some of this gifted meaning-maker's insightful meditations on God's presence in her life and ministry.
God in the Balance Challenges us to become warriors for peace and mutuality in a world caught in a vise of escalating violence.
Set Your Hearts on the Greatest Gift Set Your Hearts on the Greatest Gift: Living the Art of Christian Love by Morton Kelsey is a heartfelt and experiential exploration of agape.
We Preach Christ Crucified Describes the Lenten experience as a rendezvous with the scandal of Christ's passion.
The Romance of the Word Imaginative assessments of the challenges facing Christian men and women of faith.