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Results for "tradition: "Spirituality""
Values & Visions Circles - Types of Circles Why we chose a circle model used for Values & Visions Circles for soulmaking, plus profiles of intimate circles, intentional circles, and open-call circles.
Values & Visions Circles - Tips for Using Movies for Soulmaking How to turn the intensely focused experience of film-going or DVD-viewing into a spiritual journey for your soul.
Values & Visions Circles - Program Planning Ideas for program planning for Values & Visions Circles: choosing your program type, the role of guides (person and print), what to do when you are together, when to watch the movie, and next steps.
Values & Visions Circles - Things to Consider Things to keep in mind when planning a Values & Visions Circle: reasons to join, being intentional, people types, commitment, expenses, logistics, distractions, time.
Things We Learned from The Little Prince 15 spiritual lessons we learned from the new film based on the classic fable.
A Q&A with Leila Conners Petersen and Nadia Conners An interview with the co-directors and co-writers of The 11th Hour, an important documentary on the state of the earth's environment.
An Interview with Tim McCanlies An interview with the director of the film Secondhand Lions.
Spirituality and Film - 1 Mary Ann and Frederic Brussat's trade secrets for finding spirituality in today's films.
Spirituality and Film - 2 Spirituality and Film: How do you find spirituality in today's films? Here's what we look for. How can you make watching a film into a spiritual experience? Here's what we do.
Spirituality and Film - 3 Spirituality and Film: How do you find spirituality in today's films? Here's what we look for. How can you make watching a film into a spiritual experience? Here's what we do.