Spiritual Wisdom

Disease and healing are not just physiological processes. They are spiritual detonations.
— Marc Ian Barasch in The Healing Path

Jewish Wisdom

Pay attention. Something awesome is happening all around us.
— Lawrence Kushner in Jewish Spirituality

Catholic Wisdom

Love is the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the light we see.
— Ernesto Cardenal in Abide in Love

Anglican Wisdom

Most of us spend our lives conjugating three verbs: to Want, to Have, and to Do, but the fundamental verb is to Be.
— Evelyn Underhill quoted in To Everything There Is a Season by Bonnie Thurston

Literary Wisdom

Thought is the labor of the intellect;
reverie is its pleasure.
— Victor Hugo, French poet and novelist


A word to the wise is sufficient.


Open our eyes to your presence.
Open our ears to your call.
Open our hearts to your love.
— Blessing from Celtic Blessings by Ray Simpson

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