An Excerpt from The Garden of Dervishes by Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi

Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi of the Halvetti-Jerrahi Order of Dervishes presents his commentary on the mystical Sufi catechism. Here is a passage on the spiritual practice of devotion.

"The Sheikh Who Was Teased By The Lord

"A devout Sheikh was at his worship one day, when he heard a voice crying from the unseen: 'My servant, however much you worship Me, I shall consign you to My Fire. Your place is in My Hell!'

"Hearing these words, the venerable Sheikh leapt with fright. He ran off to find his spiritual guide, to whom he reported what had happened.

" 'Go,' said his teacher. 'Continue your worship. That is your duty. We perform our duty as servants; it is up to Allah to choose our destination, be it Hell or Paradise. But don't worry about it. The Lord is teasing you.'

"The venerable Sheikh took his teacher's advice and returned to his devotions. Again he heard the mysterious voice, but this time he rejoiced at the words: 'You are My servant. I am your Lord.' "