"Martin Buber tells a story in a small pamphlet called 'The Way of Man': A Hasid of the Rabbi of Lublin once fasted from one Sabbath to the next. On Friday afternoon he began to suffer such cruel thirst that he thought he would die. He saw a well, went up to it, and prepared to drink. But instantly he realized that because of the one brief hour he had still to endure, he was about to destroy the whole work of the entire week. He did not drink and went away from the well. Then he was touched by a feeling of pride for having passed this difficult test. When he became aware of it, he said to himself, 'Better I go and drink than let my heart fall prey to pride.' He went back to the well, but just as he was going to bend down to draw water, he noticed that his thirst had disappeared. When the Sabbath had begun, he entered his teacher's house. 'Patchwork!' the rabbi called to him, as he crossed the threshold. (Why were the Hasid's genuine spiritual heroics derisively called 'Patchwork!' by his teacher? Buber says that the disciple's spirituality 'was not of a piece.' In other words, it was still conceptual and did not arise from his Wholeness.")