"The spark of creativity is life's first and greatest gift to us: we're conceived in that spark. And we have the chance to create every day, even in how we look at the world around us. We also get to bear witness to that spark in others through literature, scientific discoveries, music, and painting. If we pay attention, we can notice it in nature all around us: a perfect spider web, the formation of ice crystals on the windowpane, even a close examination of our own animal natures. Creation brings us joy, awe, and often a much needed new perspective.

"An act of creativity changes everything. Change can be a source of anxiety in our lives; we wonder how we will manage each new task or difficulty we face. But if we can embrace change as constant growth through creation of new things, we can be comforted and inspired by the unexpected. The masters of artistic expression show us this better than anyone. They turn words into worlds, musical notes into stories, brushstrokes into feelings, and they change our lives in the process. I can't think of a better definition of magic.

"We're surrounded by beauty of all kinds. It can perk us up, calm us down, and even heal our bodies and souls. Getting attuned to this splendor is a great way to pass the time. It's time to shine up your sense of wonder and see the world in a new light. Make some new discoveries, and don't forget to pass them on through the magic of your own creativity."