A Woman's Creed

I believe in God who brooded over the waters,
Who brought forth creation in beauty and harmony,

I believe in God active in my land,
Bringing order and peace from chaos and destruction,

I believe in Jesus, who was conceived in the womb of
A simple village girl, making her burst into song,

I believe in Jesus, who allowed himself to be touched by
A bleeding woman, marveling at her faith,

I believe in Jesus, surrounded with women,
Who appeared to Mary on that first Easter morning,

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the woman in God,
Active deep in our land, strengthening women and all life,

I believe in the Holy Spirit present everywhere,
Binding all in love and renewing all creation,

I believe in the Holy Spirit active in every person,
Calling us out of our passivity to a fuller life.

— Malini Devananda
Colombo, Sri Lanka