"Any time we move, but especially if we buy a house, we create new openings in our lives. Here is a ritual that acknowledges the hope that comes with a new home. Buy some rock salt, a hand mirror, a small tray, and bread, wine, and fruit, and do not take them inside the house. You also will need a small bowl you have brought from your old home, plus a rattle and any special objects of power that you have used in your old home or in rituals at centers or on journeys. Set everything outside on the front steps except the bowl. Place the sacred power objects and the food on the tray at the entrance. Now, go inside and fill the bowl with water and carry it back outside (via a side or back door if possible; otherwise, step to the side so you do not step over the tray). Set the bowl before the objects as an offering for peace and good health. Before the bowl place the mirror. Mirrors were used in ancient limes as charms to reflect any harm and prevent it from entering your house.

"Now walk around the house clockwise, scattering small bits of rock salt as you go. Visualize the salt as a wall of protection. When you have returned to the front, pick up the rattle and, once more walk around the house. Now, at each corner shake the rattle and ask all benevolent beings who are there to bless your home. Speak at each stop of what you want to experience in this house — love, family harmony, friendship, success, healing, whatever you feel most strongly.

"When you reach the front again, place the rattle on the tray, pick up the tray, and carry it ceremoniously into the house. Lift the bread and speak of the birth of a new phase of your life. Eat a piece. Lift the wine and speak of the things that you bring with you that will be transformed. Drink a sip. Lift the fruit and speak of the wonderful joy and prosperity you will experience. Take a bite. Shake the rattle once more to thank the beings and end the ritual. If possible, leave the mirror and bowl of water outside for twenty-four hours."