"Just what is this thing we call energy, how does it affect your performance, and what can you do with it to live a fuller, happier, healthier life?

"Scientists have been telling us for over a century that all things are made of energy. All of life, from bacteria to trees to the Universe, holds and requires energy to exist. In the very first cells that made you 'you" and in all you will do, energy is there, utilized and required.

"Even what appears as solid mass is nothing but a form of energy. Even an object at rest has energy stored within. The relationship between the two (energy and solid mass) is conveyed in Einstein's famous equation, e=mc2, which fundamentally changed the way we see and experience our world. His equation provided a recipe, so to speak, for how much energy was necessary to create the 'appearance' of mass. As Lynne McTaggart writes in her book The Field, 'It means that there aren't two fundamental physical entities – something material and another immaterial – but only one: energy.'

"This corresponds with the idea that even empty space, which makes up 96 percent of our Universe, is seething with energy. In another work of McTaggart's, she cites Nobel laureate physicist, Dr. Richard Feynman, who remarked that 'the energy in a cubic meter of space was enough to boil all the oceans of the world.'

"From the perspective of holistic medicine, what this all comes down to is that everything you touch, hear, taste, see, smell, think, say, or feel – essentially, anything you experience at all – is, at its most fundamental level, energy interacting with other energy.

"This precious current, which preceded our birth and ushered us into this life, flows with us through all we do in it and keeps on flowing even after we pass. Learning to regulate it will make positive and significant changes in your life because it gives you a tangible way to shape the quality of all you do (as well as help others do the same) by using life's most plentiful and basic resource. But what exactly can we do with this energy?

"Energy empowers the body to get things done – everything from having a thought, to walking across the room, eating a meal, or writing a piece of music. The energy used by your body comes in various forms, including light, chemical, electric, heat, sound, and mechanical energy. You can use each type to balance or intensify the others, and sometimes you can even substitute one for another that might be lacking."