"The science of humility is not something you can choose to bring into your consciousness. On the contrary, you need to let go of everything you believe in order to know the science of humility. All that stands in the way of your liberation from the shackles of separation that imprison you is a ghost; you just need to let go. But paradoxically you cannot intentionally attempt to let go or unintentionally attempt to let go; it must be as natural as growing hair. The real you is not a puppet that life pushes around, because the deep down real you is the entire universe. Everything is changing, everything is moving. Your thoughts are changing, your emotions are changing, and your body is changing, but who is the witness of change? Is it not you? Find out and reveal the truth of who you are. There is nothing to gain or renounce, nothing to learn or unlearn. In truth there is no one to liberate or free; knowing this is the science of humility."