Leah Vanderveldt is a wellness and nutrition expert, a food editor, and a cookbook author. In case you have any trouble discerning what this paperback is about, the author spells it out:

"Magical self-care is about creating a better relationship with yourself through curiosity, awareness, and intention. It requires deep trust in yourself and discovering what's best for you on a holistic (physical + mental + emotional + spiritual) level. It's about unlocking your own personal brand of intuition and magic by getting you in touch with yourself, your worth, and your power."

Over the past several years, we have seen a growing number of these out-of-the-box books about everyday spirituality. In Magical Self-Care for Everyday Life, Vanderveldt casts her thematic net wide and comes up with an eclectic catch consisting of an embrace of the feminine, a mirroring of nature and the four seasons, the creation of a magical home, working with the moon, self-awareness with astrology, connecting to your wisdom with Tarot and rituals, herbs and plant medicine, healing with energy flow and movement, and manifesting and honoring your shadow.

We have categorized this beautifully designed full-color paperback under the spiritual practice of nurturing. Vanderveldt models for us a variety of ways of caring and sharing. For her and for others who have taken this path, life is an adventure with many twists and turns. Eileen Caddy, one of the founders of Scotland's Findhorn community, got at the core of nurturing when she observed:

"All you need is deep within you waiting to unfold and reveal itself to you. All you have to do is to be still and to take time to seek for what is within, and you will surely find it."

Vanderveldt has taken this nurturing journey and if you want to learn what she found, by all means get a copy of this book!