“Guizong was spading herbs when a scholar came to join him. A snake happened to cross through. Unexpectedly, Zong cut the snake, killing it. The scholar said, ‘For a long time, I’ve favored Guizong. But actually it turns out that you are one rough-acting Buddhist monk.’

“Zong said, ‘You are rough. I am rough.’
“Xutang’s alternate saying: ‘Kindness is not always repaid.’


“Guizong broke the first precept. Again and again. Like me and you. You are rough. I am rough. What more can be said?

“Well, Xutang sees something more here. The kindness of the snake was not only to slither along and trigger a primal fear reaction in large-brained primate monks. It was also doing its snake thing by eating the rodents that eat the herbs. Poor snake. His kindness was not repaid.

“The kindness of Guizong was to kill the possibly poisonous snake and protect the scholar. His kindness was not repaid.

“The kindness of the scholar was to remind Guizong of the precept ‘Life is not killed.’ His kindness was not repaid.

“Hakuin commented on this case saying, ‘This stupid guy.’

“Where is his kindness?”