Sue Mosteller is the pastor of the Daybreak Community at Richmond Hill, Ontario, and the International Coordinator for L'Arche communities worldwide. She acknowledges at the outset that life in community is "full of holes and full of grace." On the downside, "Being faithful in a body of friends drags me into the experience of their poverty, selfishness, brokenness and darkness, and it forces me into the truth of my own limitations, vulnerabilities, and hardness of heart." On the positive side, it is a milieu where people are bound together for mutual growth, healing, and renewal.

Mosteller has gathered together the stories of nine individuals with disabilities who have taught her about the miracles that can bloom in a place where true caring and sharing are practiced. Here are narratives about community as a place to claim and reclaim time, to mend a broken heart, to find one's true identity, to enjoy one's history, to confront fear, to discover one's beauty, to hold loneliness, to surrender control, and to die. And as a wounded healer, Mosteller's own spirit is caressed and restored in another community over a six-week period. This paperback offers a vibrant and rounded view of life together in love.