Charlotte Kasl has been a practicing psychotherapist, workshop leader, and Reiki healer for 20 years. In this handy resource, she utilizes wisdom from Buddhist, Sufi, and Quaker traditions to illuminate the spiritual quest of finding a loving mate. The suggestions, exercises, and anecdotes in the book are designed as spurs to self-knowledge and meaningful relationships with others. Or as Kasl puts it: "As you follow this path, you will find compassion and acceptance replace fear, negative judgment, and worry. You will approach dating with curiosity, fascination, and a light heart, wanting only what is good for yourself and another person."

On the spiritual path to love, it is best to have no expectations, no separate rules for men and women, and no yearning for the one true person who will make us happy. Kasl notes the importance of seeking a true equal and the necessity of befriending parts of ourselves that still need compassion and understanding. The poet Kabir once wrote, "The River that flows in you also flows in me." The tricky balance between fusion and separateness must be honored. For those who have never thought about the spiritual dynamics of dating and the search for a partner or spouse, this handbook is highly recommended.

Try a Spiritual Practice on Kindness