Marci Shimoff is a transformational leader and bestselling self-help author. In a time when the divorce rate in America of 50 percent is the highest of any developed nation, she has chosen to focus not on romantic love but the unconditional love at our core which connects us all and gives meaning to life. How can we make the most of Love for No Reason? Shimofff includes in her book snippets from interviews with 150 "Love Luminaries" — individuals who exude a state of "Higher Love." You can take a self-assessment test and see how you measure up to the author's new paradigm of love.

The author presents seven "doorways" to access this unconditional love plus two keys:

• The Doorway to Safety
1. Get Grounded
2. Sense Your Support

• The Doorway of Vitality
1. Give Your Body True Nourishment
2. Feel Your Feelings

• The Doorway to Unconditional Self-Love
1. Love the Unlovable In Yourself
2. Honor Your Power

• The Doorway of Openness
1.Give From Fullness
2. Let Love In

• The Doorway of Communication
1.Speak the Language of Love
2. Hear From the Heart

• The Doorway of Vision
1. Look For the Beauty
2. Trust the Inner Vision

• The Door of Oneness
1. Plug into Presence
2. Surrender to Grace

When all of these doors are opened and the keys are utilized, love on a global scale is possible as the world becomes our family. We can then usher in a new age of healing from the heart center. Shimoff demonstrates this kind of collaborative living with a generous listing of the email and website addresses of fellow travelers on the path of Love for No Reason.