Jon Mundy was introduced to A Course in Miracles (ACIM) by its writer and recorder Helen Schucman in 1976, and he began preaching the essentials of ACIM from his United Methodist pulpit. Now 40 years later, he is still as enthused as ever about the messages and the transformative powers of the Course, which has sold more than two million copies and been translated into 18 languages. This is his sixth book based on the Course and he has done a fine job in conveying its scope, breadth, and depth. Mundy interprets this text as a very practical work that helps us to understand the power of the ego and the development of trust, honesty, tolerance, gentleness, joy, generosity, patience, and more. After love replaces fear, all things become possible.

"The ego is the mind's belief that it is completely on its own," we read in ACIM. This troublemaker can lead into the pits of selfishness, aloneness, and insanity. Mundy makes it clear that we can escape from this ego-constructed prison and wake up from the dream. ACIM teaches us that we are in charge of our spiritual journey and can change things by our choice to align our minds with the Mind of God. In chapters on from Mindlessness to Mindfulness, the Dynamics of the Ego, and the Undoing of Guilt, Mundy clarifies terms and spells out major concepts which have been in circulation for a long time in the West.

In one little four liner, the author catches the nub of ACIM. We almost missed it because it is sandwiched in between two other quotes:

The Course is not about the world.
It's not about the body.
It's not about time.
It's about the Mind.

This keen insight into the emphasis of ACIM leads directly into Mundy's thoughts on the practical applications of this spiritual path. Among the topics covered are remembering what we already know, healing the T(error)ist within, the movement from selfishness to self-fullness, strengthening motivation to change, observing and correcting our thoughts, watching the words that come out of our mouths, and re-imagining forgiveness and kindness.