A young man is brought into a mystical garden by a beautiful lady, the embodiment of Wisdom. He arrives with many questions and is open to new possibilities. During each visit to this sacred place, he has an encounter with a respected teacher from Tibetan Buddhism, including Tsong Khapa, Kamala Shila, Vasu Bandhu, Maitreya, the first Dalai Lama, Master Asanga, and others.

Michael Roach has been a teacher of Buddhism since 1981. He founded and directs the Asian Classics Institute and is the author of The Diamond Cutter: The Buddha on Strategies for Managing Your Business and Your Life. In this illuminating parable, Roach presents the major teachings of Tibetan masters about suffering, pain, death, happiness, meditation, compassion, and actions and their consequences.

In a very edifying lesson, Shantideva tells him: "Be patient, stop anger, stop even that anger which is frustration with what seems to be your own slow progress on this Path. Keep a level head, maintain a flow of equanimity, not only with the outer obstacles and problems, but even with yourself — be kind to yourself, encourage yourself: it is so much better for reaching where you want to be."