"Many years ago, I would have defined miracles as something for which there was no explanation. That was my concept of miracles. So when patients would recover unexpectedly from disease I would rationalize what mechanisms were present within the body that could explain their recovery. Today, I realize that everything is a miracle," writes Bernie Siegel whose best-seller Love, Medicine & Miracles was published in 1986. Since then he has written many books and is a sought-after speaker and media presence. In the foreword, Deepak Chopra notes that miracles occur when you align yourself with that positive energy. He sees Siegel's work thought about healing as based on three principles: nonduality, living in a conscious universe, and co-operating with evolution.

A Book of Miracles is divided into fifteen sections, each with its own stories of miracles, quotations, anecdotes, and reflections. Here you will find tales revolving around birth, animal interventions, dreams, angels and guides. We can all become miracle workers through the gifts of love. We can call upon God and receive grace through healings. We can use meditation and visualization, prayer, and the touch of healers. As Marianne Williamson explains:

"Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle." After reading this book and letting it simmer in your mind and heart for a while, you will rejoice in the light that Siegel has brought to us that not only affirms the miracles others have experienced but underlines our own calling as miracle-makers in our own right!