Marcus Braybrooke is an Anglican minister who has been active in interfaith ministry and cooperation for 40 years. In this impressive anthology of 1,000 prayers, he has gathered material from the world's great religions and countless centuries. This devotional resource is organized into sections on God, Times and Seasons, Through All the Changing Scenes of Life, The World and Society, and The Natural World.

Here is a sample:


"Prayer is like watching
For the kingfisher.
All you can do is
Be where he is likely to appear
And wait.
Often, nothing much happens:
There is space, silence
And expectancy.
No visible sign.
Only the Knowledge
That he's been there
And may come again.
Seeing or not seeing cease to matter,
You have been prepared.
But sometimes when you've almost
Stopped expecting it,
A flash of brightness
Gives encouragement."
— Ann Lewin

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